Digital Activism

Stop ceding ground on the battlefield of ideas.

Learn how to build and grow a movement using the web, social media, and AI with our Digital Activism Training.


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2024 In-person Training

August 12-16

Our next in-person training takes place Aug 12-16 at Americans for Prosperity in Manchester, NH.

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Digital Activism Blog

The Digital Activism Technology Stack

What are the technologies you need to harness in order to be effective at digital activism? There are a few components you’ll need to implement and the combination of tools you choose is what we call a “technology stack.” In this post, I’ll talk about what those components are and how to use them. Intro … Read more
post-election planning

Four Things You Need to Do After Election Day

Whether you’re celebrating a victory or licking your wounds after coming up short following a hard-fought race, you’re probably not in a hurry to start thinking about the next one. But two things are almost certainly the case. First, I’ll bet there were a bunch of situations in your campaign you’d wish you started earlier. … Read more
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