Your Digital Strategy Is Probably Broken
Our Digital Activism training will show you how to fix it.
Digital Strategies
We’ll explain why almost all political digital strategies are broken and – more importantly – how to fix them.
Creating remarkable content is the fuel for any successful digital strategy. You’ll learn how to create compelling blogs, visuals, videos, podcasts, etc.
We spend a lot of time explaining how to get the most out of Facebook organic pages and paid advertising campaigns.
Handing money to Google and Facebook is easy. Getting the most bang for your buck isn’t.
Learn how to leverage email platforms to build and segment your audience.
Understand how to register a domain and build & maintain an effective website.
Register for a ClassNew and improved for 2020.
We are excited to announce our live training schedule for 2020, which includes brand new, updated content. We’ve listened to all of the feedback and rebuilt the training from the ground-up.Here are some of the changes:
Website Essentials
We speak strongly about the importance of having a website, so we figured it would be helpful to show you how to do that!
More “How To”
The main thing we learned is that the course was heavy on theory but light on practical, “how to” content. We fixed that.
Video Emphasis
We’re including more content on video. You’ll learn more about creating video and leveraging it for organic and paid social media.
2020 Schedule
Level One: Jul 15 – Aug 26 (Manchester) ExpandOur newly updated training restarts in July. It includes the following modules:
- Introduction
- Digital Strategy Essentials
- Campaign Infrastructure
- Content Essentials
- Facebook Essentials
- Advertising Essentials
Where: TBD (Manchester)
When: Tuesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Note – The classes listed in italics above indicate new content. If you’ve attended previous Digital Activism training, you may want to consider dropping in on these.
Level Two: Aug 8-15 (Portsmouth) ExpandTraining resumes with Level Two in August. It includes the following modules:
- Mastering Digital Strategy
- Website Essentials
- Email Essentials
- Mastering Content
- Mastering Advertising
- Digital Toolbox
Where: Americans for Prosperity (Portsmouth)
When: Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Note – The classes listed in italics above indicate new content. If you’ve attended previous Digital Activism training, you may want to consider dropping in on these.

Have more questions? Get in touch.
“Training was well done and focused on resources readily available without the need for large sums of funding to support the online programs and apps.”
“Easy to follow information and examples. Very hands on and good breakdown of what works.”
“What I liked most were all of Jon’s varieties of details to wring out the last erg of vaulted value invested in the time you spent getting going.”
Course Details
Digital Activism: Level One
Level One provides a bit of theory and strategy, then dives right in and walks you through setting up your infrastructure, creating content, building audiences, and advertising.
Introduction ExpandWe talk about Meatball Sundaes and present two instructive case studies of campaigns that got it right.
Digital Strategy Essentials ExpandWe’ll show you how to create a plan to build, segment, and message your audience.
Campaign Infrastructure ExpandThis class is an overview of websites, email, social media channels, all of which are covered in more detail in Level Two. We also touch on some cybersecurity fundamentals.
Content Essentials ExpandContent is the fuel for any effective digital presence. This class covers techniques for blogging, podcasting, and curating. We explain how to create remarkable written, visual, and video content.
Facebook Essentials ExpandThis class explores the basics of Facebook: Profiles, pages, groups, Live, Messenger, and the newsfeed.
Advertising Essentials ExpandThis final Level One class ties everything together, walking you step-by-step through the process of creating different Facebook advertising campaigns.
Mastering Digital Strategy ExpandWe provide some higher-level theory around effectively designing strategies for digital campaigns.
Website Essentials ExpandThis class walks through the process of registering a domain, selecting hosting, and then building, maintaining and monitoring your website.
Email Essentials ExpandWe’ll show you how to use Mailchimp to build and message your audience using email.
Mastering Content ExpandCreating high-quality, persuasive content is the aim of this class. We’ll show you techniques and provide a suggested reading list for continuing education.
Mastering Advertising ExpandAfter revisiting Facebook advertising strategies, we’ll cover the basics of Google and YouTube advertising.
Digital Toolbox ExpandThe final class will provide you with some tools to help boost your productivity and take your game to the next level.
Digital Activism: Level Two
Level Two dives deep into the technology stack and will expand your knowledge of content creation and advertising.